What is a comfortable temperature for dogs?
A cool dog is a happy dog. When the temperatures climb too high or drop too low, it affects our pets more than we realize.
Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature for dogs is a priority that will keep your furry friends healthy and peaceful.
If you’re wondering how to go about heating and cooling your home for your dog, keep reading. We’ll give you the low-down on ideal home temperatures to keep your buddy happy.
What Is the Best Temperature for My Dog?
Generally speaking, your dog (or your cat) thrives in temperatures ranging from 75 to 78 degrees. To simplify this even more, if you feel comfortable, your pet’s chances will be comfortable too.
Factors That Affect the Ideal Home Temperature for Dogs
Some factors might affect your dog’s ideal home temperature that is worth taking into account.
Type of Coat
Different dog breeds have coats that match their original purpose. Some have long, think coats suitable for carrying barrels of brandy through the snow, while others have coats more suited to sunnier climates.
Nowadays, we don’t choose dogs according to the work we need them to do or the most suitable climate for them. We choose dogs for companionship according to our own preferences. This means we have to watch them carefully for signs they might be overheating or getting too cold.
Weight and Size
It is much harder for large or overweight dogs to cool down compared to smaller dogs. On the other hand, smaller dogs are highly susceptible to cold weather.
Older dogs are better off in a slightly warmer home environment. For those with health conditions or joint issues, a warm sleeping spot can make a big difference.
What About Short-Haired Dogs and Cold Temperatures?
Air conditioning might make your home too cold for short-haired or small dogs. For these guys, 78 to 80 degrees is just right. Make a habit of checking on them when you’re home for signs of getting too cold or overheating and making adjustments.
Be Sure And Set The Ideal House Temperature For Dogs
Signs That Your Home Is Too Hot or Too Cold for Your Pet
Regulating body heat is simple for us, but not so for our four-legged friends. We can speak up if we’re not comfortable, crank up the AC or put on an extra layer of clothing. Our dogs need us to help them.
These are the signs of overheating in dogs that we need to watch out for:
- Excessive panting
- Shortness of breath
- Excessive drooling
- Gum color or tongue changes to bright or dark red
- A racing heartbeat, fast pulse
- Disorientation
- Weakness, listlessness, or stumbling
- Vomiting
The signs that your dog is too cold are also easy to spot. Look out for any combination of the following:
- Shivering and shaking
- Tucked tail
- Hunched posture
- Unusual barking or whining
- Behavior change – anxiety or discomfort
- Reluctant to walk
- Hunts for shelter
- Lifts a paw off the ground as if in pain
When it comes to dog safety, our pets rely on us to keep an eye on them and make whatever adjustments we need.
What If You Don’t Have an AC?
If you don’t have an AC, how do you go about keeping your dog cool? With a little clever planning, it is possible.
If you have a Bulldog, a Pug, or a Pekinese, it is imperative to have an AC. With their short snouts, it simply isn’t possible for them to pant well enough to cool themselves down in hot weather.
8 Tips To Keeping An Outside Dog Cool In Hot Tallahassee Summers
For long nose breeds or outside dogs, you can try these tips to keep your doggo cool in the hot summers of Bainbridge and Tallahassee.
- Add ice cubes to your dog’s water. They will naturally drink more in the heat, and the chilled water will help cool their core temperature.
- Use a cool, wet towel to wipe your dog down. As the water evaporates, it will have a cooling effect on your dog.
- Place a bowl of ice in front of a fan and aim towards where your dog is resting. If your dog would be tempted to eat the ice, cover the bowl.
- Buy a shallow kids pool just for your dog. Set it up in the shade and see if you can get your dog to go into the water.
- Figure out the coolest spots in the house and make sure your dog can get to them. Bathroom tiles? A cement floor in the basement? All these are perfect for an overheating animal.
- Avoid giving your dog ice cubes to chew on. They may break their teeth. As an alternative, soak a washcloth in salt-free chicken broth and freeze it. Your dog will love chewing on it.
- Pick your take-the-dog-for-a-walk times carefully. Opt for early mornings or the semi-cool of early evenings. Try to stick to a shady route and avoid hot pavements.
- Avoid leaving your dog in a closed-up, parked car. Summer heat becomes unbearable inside a vehicle faster than you think.
Part of pet care is to regularly keep an eye on your fur-buddy and ensure that the heating and cooling, wherever he is, is just right.
Air Conditioning for a Comfortable Temperature for Dogs
If you’re a dog-loving family and you’d like to make it easier to maintain the best temperature for your pets, an AC unit is the best way to go.
Complete control over the temperature inside your home is at your fingertips, both heating, and cooling. At Cooper’s Plumbing & Air, your pet’s well-being is important to us. We’ll make it easy for you to achieve a comfortable temperature for all your pets.
Contact us for more information on air conditioning or heating. With over 20 years of experience, our friendly staff will meet your dog safety needs and more!
To schedule services in your area, contact Cooper’s Plumbing & Air today! We make cooling your pet easy and affordable!