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Here’s Why Your Air Conditioner Can’t Keep up on Hot Days

air conditioner can't keep up on hot days

When summer arrives, you rely on your air conditioner to cool your home and maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Sometimes, though, your air conditioner may struggle to keep up with the hottest days. The experts at Cooper’s Plumbing & Air have some advice about potential reasons your air conditioner can’t keep up on hot days.

Thermostat Settings

When a heatwave hits, you may opt to set your thermostat to a lower temperature than usual to try to counter the excess heat. Unfortunately, turning the thermostat down increases the amount of energy consumed by your AC system.

Air conditioners can typically cool indoor spaces to around 20 degrees lower than the outdoor temperature. When you overwork your system by setting it outside this range, it may overheat, malfunction, or even break down.

Rather than setting your thermostat to the lowest setting, choose an appropriate setting that will allow your unit to run more efficiently without excessive strain.

AC Size and Capacity

With environmental comfort systems, proper sizing matters. If you have an improperly sized unit, it will struggle to keep your home comfortable, especially during excessively hot days when you need cooling the most.

Abnormally High Temperatures

When temperatures in Tallahassee reach the 90s and 100s, most air conditioners struggle to maintain cool and comfortable indoor conditions. Abnormally high outdoor temperatures force cooling systems to work harder than usual to meet your desired indoor temperature.

Cooling the house in high temperatures can take longer than usual. Your AC unit might not have the capacity to reach your desired comfort levels in extremely hot weather.

High Indoor Humidity

High indoor humidity levels can make your house feel hotter and much less comfortable. Even if your AC works perfectly and reaches your desired temperature levels, your home may still feel hot and muggy if humidity levels remain high.

Consider investing in a dehumidifier. You could set the air conditioner to dry mode, too. Whatever option you choose, try to keep the indoor humidity level between 30% and 50%.

Damaged, Broken, or Malfunctioning Parts

Sometimes the air conditioner itself may be causing discomfort. Broken, malfunctioning, or damaged parts can cause a total system malfunction. Keep an eye out for dirty air filters, system leaks, or a broken condenser coil.

Multiple parts must work together to keep your home comfortable, which makes pinpointing the issue challenging. When you need help diagnosing a system malfunction, trust the job to seasoned HVAC experts.

Air Duct Leaks

A leaking air duct can reduce your HVAC system’s efficiency by 30%. Besides losing efficiency, your cooling system has to work harder to maintain cool temperatures.

If you have air duct leaks, they may also collect dirt on the inside. Dirty ducts filled with debris restrict airflow and cause your cooling system to release particles into your home.

Inadequate Attic Insulation

Inadequate insulation could explain why your air conditioner can’t keep up on hot days. Areas with poor insulation can prove challenging to locate. Look for gaps around plumbing and electrical outlets. You also need to look for gaps around your windows. If you find any gaps, seal them with caulk or spray foam.

Dirty Condenser Coils

Your air conditioner cools your home by removing heat from the air, keeping temperatures comfortable. The AC unit’s condenser coils play a critical role in the heat removal process. If you have leaking or clogged condenser coils, your air conditioner won’t have a way to dissipate heat.

Overheating Fan Motor or AC Compressor

A failing compressor or fan motor can sometimes overheat and stop working. Once it cools down, it may operate normally for a while before shutting down when it overheats again. Contact an experienced HVAC technician once you notice a problem like this with your unit.

Tips To Lower Your Indoor Temperature

If your home still feels hot despite a fully functional cooling system, the following tips can help lower your indoor temperature and improve your comfort levels.

Shut Curtains and Blinds

On the hottest and sunniest days, the sun penetrates windows and spreads heat throughout your home. To reduce the workload on your cooling system, shut the blinds as often as possible or consider investing in sun-blocking blinds.

Use Ceiling Fans

Using your cooling system in combination with ceiling fans can improve your comfort levels significantly. While the air conditioner lowers your temperature levels, the fan causes air movement that delivers a cooler feel to the room.

Use Heat-Generating Appliances Outside

Using hot appliances indoors will increase the indoor temperature. Try to avoid using stovetops, grills, and ovens indoors on hot summer days. Instead, try to cook or grill your food outside to keep your kitchen cool. Hang laundry on a clothesline instead of running the dryer.

Use Large Appliances During Cooler Hours

Appliances such as your dryer and dishwasher can generate a substantial amount of heat. Consider running these at night or early in the morning when temperatures drop, keeping your home cooler throughout the day.

Change Your Air Filters Routinely

Your air filters play a crucial role in ensuring proper airflow throughout your home. When the filters accumulate dirt, they lose effectiveness. We recommend changing your filters at least once every three months.

Clean Your Outdoor Unit

Many people overlook the outdoor AC unit. When dirt, leaves, and other debris clog your outdoor unit, it can struggle to work efficiently. Check your outdoor unit regularly and use a garden hose to rinse off debris. Trim any nearby shrubs.

Trust Cooper’s Plumbing & Air for Your HVAC Needs

Now that you understand why your air conditioner can’t keep up on hot days, trust our experienced technicians to help solve your problems. As the go-to AC repair company in Tallahassee, FL, Cooper’s Plumbing & Air will ensure your system runs efficiently and effectively all summer long.

Whether the AC fan is not spinning or your unit has a refrigerant leak, we have the expertise to diagnose and resolve the issue promptly. Contact us at (866) 464-7132 to schedule service in Tallahassee, FL.